Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chrome anti Chrome !

Did you know that when you download Google's new Chrome browser, you agree that any "content" you "submit, post or display" using the service — whether you own its copyright or not — gives Google a "license to reproduce, translate, publish, publicly display and distribute" it ? Google's ambitions for Chrome are even larger than we thought; by the letter of this license, Google will own all information that flows through its browser. --- Valleywag

Is this the reason behind Chrome? Google is all about data, and what better way to capture it all than launch your own browser? While testers are having a field day comparing IE vs Firefox vs Safari vs Chrome, what is puzzling to me is why Google launched a browser when the market is already inundated with them ?

Imagine everything you are doing in browser getting logged into some database on Google. So suppose if Mrs Daruwala (or shall I say DaruWali ? ) searched for -- 'My husband doesn't help in household chores...What to do? ' -----And a week later when she launches the browser it will flash this --

"Did your husband , Mr. Bekar Daruwala, start helping you ? If not then:

1) Try calling and complaining to his dad , Mr. SodaWaterWala in India (ad for Reliance India call site)
2) Are you contemplating divorce? (ad for Divorce attorney in US, RumBatliWala and Sons)
3) Try new potential helping and kind partners (ad for Parsi dating site,
4) Contemplating Suicide ? (shows you a map of best suicide points near Parsi Gymkhana in Bay Area) "

But seriously, if capturing each and every details about our browsing habits is Google`s intent, I can see an internet world totally devoid of privacy, which is a really scary thought. And if this is their hidden motive , I am totally anti Chrome.

Et tu Google ?

PS: One of my friends sent this comic about how Gates is reacting to Chrome in his retirement mansion ! Have fun :)


Anonymous said...

Hillarious ...I hope either Google or Parsis arent gunning for you after this :-)

LetsNotReInventTheWheel said...

Thats a good one..!
Google has been doing it even before with email worms embedded in Gmail.

animation said...

Jha sir, ya I received some threatening mails from Daruwala and family :-) I know ya ? :-)

As you mentioned, Gmail was small tool, and now they are trying to own the internet world,and all its data, and our data :)

Though according to last news, the faulty terms in their legal notice are being removed,and they mentioned it was just a lousy cut n paste job....which is hard to swallow for $10 billion company.

doe_eyed_girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OMG, this is sooo funny!! Btw, i worked on chrome for 2 months :P (and the previous comment was from my old blog, by mistake.. pls ignore!)

animation said... you were party to the crime :-)